Product Feeds
  • 13 Dec 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Product Feeds

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Article summary


We need images and data about your outfits and the best way to provide this is via a product feed. Please note that the guide below is aimed both at partners who are using Zyler Go as well as those integrating directly using the API. It indicates, where appropriate, where there might be differences in feed requirements.

What is a product feed?

A product feed is a file which contains a list of all your products specifying information about each one. The formats we currently support are CSV and XML. Please contact us if you would like to use a different format.

Why use a product feed?

When you first start with Zyler, a product feed allows us to import your data easily into our system. Ongoing, we automatically detect when the feed contains new outfits and add them into our system without requiring any manual work. This is another major benefit of product feeds. Our system will process feeds on a daily basis.

How do I provide a product feed?

The best way to provide a feed is via a url. We can work with files instead of urls but please speak to us regarding the best way to send them.

What data is required in the feed?

Note that the field names your feed uses do not have to match what is specified below. Since the feed processing is flexible, you are free to use field names that are convenient within your site/e-commerce platform.

  • Product ID
    This is used by our system to match your outfits with our processed images. For each image that you want to be used in visualizations, the product id must be unique. For example, the product id should be different for different colors of the same outfit as Zyler needs to show the user wearing the correct color garment. However, different sizes of the same color garment should not have different ids as Zyler uses one image across all sizes.

  • Category
    The category of an item. This helps to skip items in the feed that are in categories we don’t support, e.g. we do not process shoes.

  • Image Urls
    Urls of all the images that you have available for the given product. Our system will choose the most appropriate image to use with Zyler. Please follow menswear image guidelines and womenswear image guidelines.

  • Outfit Url
    The product display page for the outfit, i.e. the page that allows a user to add the outfit to the cart. The url is used when showing other outfits to a user within the Zyler Go widget and allows linking to the relevant product detail page.

  • Outfit Title
    The human-readable name/title of the outfit. This will be displayed with the visualization within the Zyler Go widget..

If you are integrating with the API directly, it’s likely that you’ll be able to omit Outfit Url and Outfit Title. Please contact us if you would like to discuss this further.

Next Steps

Once you have created a feed containing the appropriate information, please contact us with the location of the url and details of the names of the fields that the feed uses. We can then organize automated processing of your feed.


The sections below show example feeds for XML and CSV formats.

Example XML Feed

Below is an example XML feed showing a single product which has multiple image URLs:

      <Title>Blue Maxi Dress</Title>

Example CSV Feed

Below is an example CSV feed showing three products each with a single image URL:

1234,,Blue Maxi Dress,Women|Dresses,
2345,,Green Maxi Dress,Women|Dresses,
3456,,Red Maxi Dress,Women|Dresses,

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